Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Run Lola Run Critique

Mis En Scene

I. The aspect of Run Lola Run that my group focused on was the Mis en Scene which is what is inside the scene and for what purposes. My group and I approached this section in a manner that started off correct, but started getting a bit off tangent. We broke down the Mis en Scene within each narrative story and tried to figure out commonalities of each shot within the different narratives. I believe our interpretation was a bit skewed because we also did not have a full grasp of our term that we had to analyze. Mis en scene we focused more on the effect each shot brought instead of what literal objects were in each shot and why Twyker decided to incorporate in that particular manner. I thought we covered the language fairly well, within our section, but limited the language use to specific aspects of this film instead of viewing the language in a general sense. This technique of grouping each term within each storyline also made us forget key aspects of mis en scene such as Lola's room where a strong characterization of her is given to the audience. Prior to splitting up the information into storylines we had this particular scene written down to discuss, but limited ourselves with how we broke down the terms within mis en scene. I specifically analyzed the angle's Twyker used within this film which I thought was a key part in this gilm and also the framing of each shot. The angles were key in this film because it further characterized Lola as the dominant image with constant running shots that were looking up on her, giving her an air of superiority. I think I could have addressed my topics a little bit more thoroughly and focused more on mis en scene instead of the storyline. 

II. Some strengths of our presentation was that we broke down many shots throughout each plot line. Also we tried to incorporate all the language that is used to create the mis en scene portion of our section. Another strength that I saw was that I got better familiar with my topics and ideas, so I wasn't just reading off my paper making our presentation more of a discussion format. I think the facts that I covered within the movie were accurate too and my own interpretations seemed accurate enough of the techniques that I saw Twyker utilize. 

III. To improve our presentation I thought we'd first need a full grasp of the task we were assigned which was to break down the mis en scene. I felt our understanding of it differed a bit from what it actually asked, so our presentation wasn't completely relevant to mis en scene. Furthermore in my own presentation I feel like why the shot was placed a certain way wasn't always conveyed well because with the nuns picture I didn't retierate that the nuns signify purity in the midst of Lola's distress which was a key component of that scene. Also I constantly looked down when I talked which took away from the power of my voice and made it a bit harder for people to follow what I was saying.

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