Sunday, September 11, 2011

Broadcast Critique: SUMMA

My partner and I came up with the segment for summer because we thought summer would be an interesting topic that would be easy to compress into a video. Also we thought about a sport segment, but didn't think there would be a sufficient amount of b-roll yet for those segments since games hadn't started yet. We found the people in our interviews primarily from our class and the upper class of students because we figured this is the seniors last summer to cherish. Also before gathering the interviewees we ensured they had an interesting summer or something interesting to share with the student body. I felt our focus questions made our interviewees converse more openly about their summer instead of create choppy cuts that don't relate to one another. Originally we envisioned actually going out and gathering some simple b-roll like some beach shots or athletes at play, but was compromised due to time constraints and for the fact that summer had already passed.

The location and audio for our interviews was satisfactory mainly because the construction background noise was going on as we were executing our interviews. Also we hoped for a sunnier day to carry out our interviews, but were subject to a sort of cloudy day due to accessibility to the equipment. Our b-roll were a bunch of clips from youtube, so we didn't have the power to alter or change the quality of the shots we had and were forced to work with whatever was there. Since summer had already passed we didn't have the power to take any b-roll of our own, which brought the quality of the b-roll down, but we found some interesting clips that did enhance our video as a whole. There was a wide variety of the shots we found, but some were much clearer than others because the cameras that were used were different.

I thought the voice-over in the beginning did a great job to avert the audiences attention and captivate their minds to what was being shown on screen. To grab the students attention we opened with a short welcoming and some background knowledge of the recent events of summer. Our segment varied and was quite informative, but didn't have too wide of a selection of students from different classes secluding to seniors only. The voice overs blended well with the interviews and gave a slight synopsis to what was going to be explored much more thoroughly in the interviews. The final interview wanted to wrap up the summer events that has passed and wanted students to avert their attention to what's ahead of them, school, until next summer.

Our editing was once again limited due to our b-roll being made of short composite videos from youtube, but we made the best of it. We tried to make our b-roll that we found flow systematically with the interviews and piece together in an understanding way, which we thought we did well. With audio some of our audio levels were off, but it took only a little minor changes to tweak. Also the opening sequence was made with a summer title that changed colors which was to grasp how varied people's summers were. Lastly the pictures we used were to enhance what the interviewer's were saying, to match their adventures with a visual. Many cross dissolves were added to the interviews and pictures, so they would flow from one item and idea and person to the next smoothly.

I think I like best about our piece is the comedic aspect to some of the interviews that made summer seem like it had its share of memories and laughs.If I had more time and my partner I'm sure we would try to find videos people shot of their summer and incorporated it into our video or actually go out and get some live footage that wouldn't look so unprofessional as the youtube videos. The most important lesson to take from our video is that Summer pieces although seem easy are actually tough to make creative unless you plan to get b-roll during summer, instead of after school is already in session, because then your stuck with youtube clips instead of actual footage your proud of getting.

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