Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ababseh's Camera In ACTION Response

'Love Sick' by Kevinmarkfilms

The film I analyzed was 'Love Sick' by Kevin Lacy, who I actually don't know a lot about, but applauded his job on this film for captivating my full attention. This film is about a man who has just been through a break-up, but seems to be focused on finding his soul mate. The film includes countless humorous moments to show how fun and entertaining it can be when searching for the one you want to spend your entire life with. I found it hard to believe though Kevin Lacy incorporated a beginning middle and end to the plot of the film in less than five minutes. I enjoyed how fast-paced this film was because the quick cuts from scene to scene seemed to build an anticipation up for the viewers who wanted to see if this man got his fairy tale ending or not. Numerous scenes in this film made me break out in laughter, for example when the man had to steal "Justin Bieber's" bike to go after the girl he thought to be his dream girl, classic. 

This film begins with close up shots on a woman character and the man, high lighting there reactions, so the audience can visualize a break-up without actually saying a break -up taking place. The background is blurred, so the two main characters can be focused upon. After this scene the next sequence turns to a point of view shot onto a jeering Justin Bieber just as the man thinks to himself about a Bieber quote. As the man continues to walk forward and looks on disgusted he walks on leading to a direction match of a street shot where he spots his new 'dream girl.' Most of the shots taking place are medium shots with two characters in focus cutting off at their waist or a little below to allow some background in each shot, but maintain the focus on the main character. 

One of my favorite shots was near the one minute mark of the film where after the man sees his 'dream girl' there are a set of foreshadows where the character seems to be day dreaming and fantasizing about the girl he has just seen. It first starts with an intense kissing session composed of a medium close up, and then to a creative close up on there enclosed hands as the jump down from some steps just getting married, following a stationary medium shot of them walking with a baby together. The editing was creative of these shots because it was being played like an old film and accurately color corrected, with a darker tinted tone, so the viewers can understand its made up. The closing of this turns to the main character's face in a close up with a wide grin that allows the onlookers to see how satisfied a story book ending would be to this guy. 

The entire film has a voice over so no actual dialogue is being spoken which I thought took away from the film a bit, because I felt viewers could have felt more of the emotion throughout the shots with actual dialogue. But as the man chases after the bus unnecessary facts are recited portraying the man's thoughts which I thought was humorous and allowed me to realize just how desperate this guy really is. As the man runs the shots are traveling shots in a car to follow the man on his quest for love. As the man gets stopped at a stoplight there is a fast pace cutting from the man's reactions to the cross signs number count. The man is in disbelief as the number count is dropping and it goes back to the start, making his wait at the light seem like forever jump cutting his attempts to change the lights as quickly as possible. As the light changes the man takes off cutting to different camera angles of the man running, so there is a variety of the shot selection and to create something like running normally boring into something exciting and humorous. Throughout these shots the framing was loose to show how much actual running has to be done to get to the girl this man hopes to get. 

An obstacle in the movie appears when the man is hit by a car but this leads to the ridiculousness of stealing Justin Bieber's bike where the frame seems to be slowed down to add accomplishment and an upbeat tone where we think the man will get to the stop in time. As the man gets to the stop he doesn't find the woman there and this leads to slow pans, of the man walking in a defeated way down a street. But the director creates a false sense of hope when he allows the man to find the woman, who apparently is with someone and the man is heartbroken and rejected once again. Just as the man seems to be about to give up questioning if there is a thing as love a woman runs by racking the focus so the suspense could surmount. Humor is added too when this guy was about to resort back to world at warcraft at his age because of his constant rejection. This last shot was especially funny because he had said the woman before was the girl of his dreams and after getting rejected hes moved on to thinking this other woman he has just saw is also that.

Most of these shots were of high key lighting to create the comedic feel to the film and I thought it actually looked a lot brighter than usual shots in broad daylight. The genre is a comedic romance where the man is quite humorous, but there is a sense of desire to find the one who is destined to be with. I thought each shot was moderate without too much excess objects and people in each shot, but with enough content for the viewer to understand what is exactly going on. This film made me break out in laughter a countless amount of times and seems so upbeat that you have to feel a sense of hopefulness for its character. I thought each shot was composed well by this director and enhanced the films meaning and overall mood.


  1. While I was watching this video, one of the main focuses I felt that the cinematographer wanted to portray was the sense of hurry and lack of time. I like how you mentioned the points about shots. I also noticed that at the part where the man is waiting for the light to change, the camera is zoomed up to the counter, indicating a sense of closure for that character.
    I noticed that you said something about the man moving towards the camera. The camera in a few of the shots where the cameraman had to follow him while he ran, the camera was rather shaky -- its creates the feeling of the viewers running along side him.
    The cinematographer also considered graphic and motion vectors to show intricate backgrounds and a sense of movement.

  2. I agree that this film was definitely a hilarious one. I like that you tried to explain all of the shots that you mentioned instead of just stating them to make it seem like you knew what you were talking about. All of your analyses are plausible and i agree with them. The only recommendation that i can make is that you can go more in depth with some shots such as the close up/medium shot of the man and woman kissing. That shot was close to convey the intimacy of the kiss. Perhaps you missed that but regardless you did a good job overall.

  3. I love all of the little references to other love romance movies in this. It really plays off on how we view love and portray it in the media. YOur right there is a lot of humor to it, but not so much that it distracts from the overall plot. Although I do disagree with your opinion on the voiceover, I think it kind of plays on the fact that hes overthinking the whole 'love' issue too much.
